make stuff serve something
What is Elements of Magic?
Elements of Magic is the first of the core classes in Reclaiming—a world-wide activist, non-hierarchical, anarcho-feminist witchcraft tradition that was born in the California Bay Area in the early 1980s—and as such is a prerequisite for many Reclaiming classes.
In this class we forge or deepen our alliances with the elements of life: Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit. We explore and practice some of the foundational magical skills and forms of this tradition. Each class is structured as a participatory ritual in which we connect to and learn from each element, with a focus on the way they show up in our local bioregion. What is it like to work with these elements in this place? At this time? What do they offer us? What do they need from us?
The final meeting will be a ritual created and led by the participants. We ask that you be committed to attending all six classes.
More About Reclaiming:
Reclaiming is a community of people working to unify spirit and politics. We value community, diversity, the environment, self-determination, and social justice. A working definition of the tradition from Starhawk, one of its founders, can be found here.
We ask that those attending this course, at least for the duration of the course, agree to uphold the Reclaiming Principles of Unity, which is a living document expressing the community’s consensus around the values and commitments that guide our work together, and can be found here.
​For questions about the class, feel free to reach out to Mnemosyne ( and/or Autumn (
Your Facilitators
​It is customary, in Reclaiming, that classes are team-taught, to model shared power.
Mnemosyne (she/her)
My magical name is Mnemosyne (nuh-MOSS-uh-knee). This name was given to me by a colleague and teacher/mentor. It means “memory,” and has connections in Greek myth to the arts (the Muses) and the Underworld.
I am a New Orleans-based artist (image, text & performance), ritualist, and deathworker (
I am also a Diana’s Grove-trained Priestess, a Reclaiming Witch and teacher (my home camp community is Spiralheart), and a secular Buddhist. I work with Hekate, Ananke, the folk magic of my ancestors--many known to me back into the earliest centuries of the Common Era, where my people lived in what are now Scotland, Scandinavia, and Germany--and with the roots and energies of the place where I live.
Autumn (she/her)
I am known as Autumn. I have this name as I tend to help people in the cycle of their life we would consider the Fall, or a transition that works up to an ending of a cycle.
I work with my Germanic ancestors and all Gods and Goddesses who offer Love as an answer.
I have completed Priestess Training with Dr. Mary Gelfand, Diana’s Grove Mystery School (a sister tradition to Reclaiming), and, most recently, my first year with Selléna, High Priestess of the Temple of Witchcraft in Jackson, MS.
My personal Temple is the outside world, in nature, and the waterways that blend in the Magical borderlands of the Rivers and Bayous.
I use the Elements to grow, transform, and to overcome all obstacles to rise.
Price & Schedule
More Information About Sliding Scales
The intention of a sliding scale is to honor the agency of the individual while providing for the community. Those who can afford to pay higher on the scale make it possible to offer classes and services to those who must pay at the lower end.
Good guidance exists about how to self-assess your place on the sliding scale continuum. The language below is taken from New Orleans' own Krewe of Goddesses, with respect and thanks:
Consider paying higher on the sliding scale if you:
are a two-income household.
travel recreationally.
work part time by choice or can afford to take time off.
regularly eat out, buy new clothes, and attend leisure events without concern for your budget.
own a car or the home you live in.
have investments, retirement accounts, inherited money, or access to family money and resources in times of need.
have a relatively high degree of earning power due to level of education (or gender and racial privilege, class background, etc.). Even if you are not currently exercising your earning power, we ask you to recognize this as a choice.
Consider paying lower on the scale if you:
are a single-income household.
are not always able to meet basic needs and rarely buy new items.
are supporting other dependents.
have been denied work due to employment discrimination.
have immigration-related expenses.
support an elder with limited financial resources.
have medical expenses not covered by insurance.
are an un/under-paid community organizer.
have fluctuating income due to fluid hours/wages.
have been significantly impacted by the pandemic and/or Hurricane Ida.